Saturday, April 02, 2005

Distinction of Emotional Expressions

Here is an interesting question we can all ask each other and (especially) ourselves:

Do you say what you mean, or do you say what you feel, or do you simply say nothing? I think this is a distinction between three kinds of emotions. Certainly this is very different from Eliot's distinction of "attachment, detachment and indifference", for Eliot's distinction is far to abstract; or I suppose Eliot's distinction has to do with an internal state, while I'm interested in the ways of expressing emotions through language.

If you say what you mean, then you are probably one of those who are haunted by the deepest emotions in the most unconscious or subconscious ways. With every word you say it is as carefully chosen as possible, which at times can take away its passion and energy. Language becomes part of you: you are what you say, and you will perhaps often strike your friend with remarks you make in a subtle way. When a raw passion is bothering you, you would reason your way out by continuously stepping outside of yourself - voice countering voice countering voice. Little do you know the conclusions you draw are no less logical and rational than what the unconscious or subconscious you desires irrationally. You are most emotional when you are most impeccably logical.

If you say what you feel, then you are probably one of those who is swayed by the slightest wind and making (sometimes imaginery) implications explicit. You do not think about what you are saying, and you blur them out in a heat of passion. Language is a tool for you to break this or fix that. You know, however, exactly what you are feeling and most times it is just a matter of calming down and "thinking rationally". You are proud of yourself and, in reflective moments, you might become conscious of it.

If you simply say nothing...Language is a childish game and truth is not for children. There are too many things you cannot say: some good, some bad; some so empty of meaning, some so pregnant with meaning. Or perhaps...


Blogger Minch said...

So which category do YOU fall under? :P

10:07 p.m.  

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